Weeds You Can Expect to See (and Have Us Get Rid of For You)

The heart of spring and start of summer brings plenty of sunshine, warm temperatures and weeds.

Pesky, annoying weeds which choke and clog your lawn & garden landscaping.

Consider this, then, to be a public service announcement from Wright Landscape Services.

Should you see any of the following weeds* in your landscape design, do not attempt to pull them yourself.

Instead, call us and we’ll get rid of them for you.
*Pictures courtesy of Wikipedia

DandelionDandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

No matter how much lawn care is provided, your grass is still susceptible to dandelions.

Pulling them out isn’t effective, because the whole plant (including the root, which is hard to reach) needs to be removed.

Otherwise, the little buggers will grow right back.

English daisyEnglish daisy (Bellis perennis)

They may look pretty, but make no mistake: English daisies are an invasive weed.

That’s because when they reach your lawn, they spread very quickly.

Pretty soon, your grass is covered with them. Even worse is that grass cutting and mowing them down won’t get rid of them, either.

false dandelionFalse dandelion (Hypochaeris radicata)

What’s worse than a real dandelion? A false dandelion.

False dandelions have leaves (known as forks) on their stems. Whereas true dandelion stems are narrow and hollow with no forks.

Lastly, false dandelions are known to be toxic to horses.

white cloverWhite clover (Trifolium repens)

Chances are you pulled the white heads off white clovers as a kid.

Now as a grown-up with your own residential landscaping to take care of, mobdro you realize that white clovers are a nuisance to get rid of.

If you’re allergic to bees, then get rid of white clover fast since they’re attracted to it.

bull thistleBull thistle (Cirsium vulgare)

In Scotland, the bull thistle is revered as the national flower.

Here, not so much. Its large bulb and sharp thistles make it a hazard to touch. In fact, many jurisdictions worldwide have labeled it a noxious (or injurious) weed.

Bull thistles spread by seed but can be controlled with deep hoeing and cutting of the roots.

Canada thistleCanada thistle (Cirsium arvense)

The Canada thistle didn’t originate here. It came from Europe and Asia.

Even in its native locations, the Canada thistle is considered a weed. In fact, it’s listed as a primary noxious weed (meaning it’s very harmful).

Controlling it involves cutting the flower stem before it blooms or using herbicide.

common chickweedCommon chickweed (Stellaria media)

The common chickweed is an annual, but it actually thrives in cold weather.

They reproduce by seed and do so very quickly. While they appear in lawns & gardens, they also grow between natural stone & interlocking landscapes too.

Proper application of chemical herbicides should burn and kill the common chickweed.

See any of these weeds? We’ll get rid of ‘em

Our natural weed control services will restore your lawn quickly.

In fact, many clients see results within 48 hours of application.

If any of these weeds are taking over your lawn, don’t wait until it’s too late.

Request a FREE consultation with our weed control expert today.

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