Are You Mowing Your Lawn Often Enough? (Infographic)

Mowing the lawn is one of the most well-known lawn care jobs, but many people still don’t know how to do it properly.

In order to grow and maintain a healthy lawn, you need to know when and how often you should mow your lawn.

Why Do We Mow?

The simple answer is: to keep the grass under control, short, and presentable.

But there’s more to it than that.

Mowing the lawn helps stimulate development in the grass and leads to a stronger growth rate, resulting in a thicker, healthier lawn.

When Should You Mow?

Lawns should be cut during the growing months – spring, summer, and autumn — when the weather is warmer, and when the grass is typically dry.

During the warmer, summer months, you can decrease the frequency that you mow. This is due to the lack of rain and increase in temperatures. Cut your grass every 10 days, instead of every 5-7 days, for the healthiest lawn.

How To Mow?

Whether you are going to be mowing your own lawn, or have contacted us for our residential landscape maintenance program, you should remember these important tips:

  • Remove no more than 1/3 of the grass blade
  • The first times you mow, the mower should be set lower, but increase the height after a few mows
  • Keep the grass longer during the growing season (warmer months) to eliminate stress, dryness, and patchiness
  • Lawn clippings act as an organic, natural lawn fertilizer, so it’s best to leave them on the grass

Lawn Care Schedule

In this lawn care schedule, get some of our expert tips on the best times to mow, so you can have the healthiest, most beautiful lawn in the neighbourhood all summer long!


Get Started On A Healthy Lawn

Summer is a time of fun for the whole family, but it can be stressful and detrimental on your lawn due to the heat and lack of proper watering.

Proper lawn care, mowing, and watering will ensure your beautiful lawn thrives into the fall and winter months.

If you need assistance or direction toward achieving a healthy, lush lawn, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Contact Us


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