How To Tell If You Need A New Backyard

While it’s too late to think about a yard design and build project for this year, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about creating the yard of your dreams in 2021. Here are three ways to know it’s time for a yard redesign. 

While some new shrubs, a general clean-up and a Muskoka chair might be good enough for some yards, if you’ve spent the last few months dreading looking out the window into the backyard, it’s time for a redesign. 

3 Signs It’s Time For A Yard Redesign

1. Your yard is PAINFULLY dull 

It’s one of those things that you almost can’t put your finger on, but you know it when you see it. It’s the kind of yard you’d most simply describe as a bit of green thatch. Uninspiring. Unlovable. Not that’s there is anything inherently wrong with it. It’s just that if you blink, you’d miss it. The local lawn bowling team has been scouting out your yard for its next practice location. You’d like to rake the leaves in the fall, but a complete lack of any trees or bushes makes it impossible. Your yard is the equivalent of bologna on crustless white bread; hold any mayo or mustard. 

If the neighbourhood insomniac puts on a slideshow of photos of your yard to help them fall asleep at night, it’s time for a redesign.

2. You’d need a harness & mountain climbing gear to host a backyard BBQ 

In some cases, a gently sloping yard may be a benefit & blessing. It may help with drainage and pull water away from the house. It could, however, have the opposite problem. If your yard is sloping towards the house, your ground floor or basement might be the shooting location for the next live-action Little Mermaid.  

If you’d need a harness and mountain donkey to get from the house to the shed, it’s time for a redesign. 

If you’ve got a problem with drainage, check out this blog to see what you can do!

3. Landscape features seem way out of proportion

One of the most valuable (yet often underappreciated) aspects of landscape architecture is the ratios and balances of design features. Design and build projects managed by a landscape architect view your yard holistically; all parts contribute to the whole. 

If the maple tree in your yard takes up 90% of usable space or the vegetable garden looks like it could barely support feeding a few house hippos, you might have a problem with proportions. If that’s the case, it’s time for a redesign. 

Here’s the thing, not every yard is created equal. Yards designed & built by a certified landscape architect can help you balance all the design elements of your existing yard, or create a new backyard living experience you’ll love. 

If the sight of your yard makes you cry, scream, or nod off out of boredom, it’s time for a redesign.

Download our free Design Inspiration Guide and start thinking about what your dream yard could look like in 2021. 


Need inspiration?

When you start to think about designing the perfect yard, deck, patio or backyard oasis, it can be helpful to have some solid ideas of what you want to achieve. We can help with that.

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