Eleven Ways to Conserve Water in the Garden

If you’ve caught the news lately, you may have heard that there’s a severe drought in California and watering restrictions in British Columbia.

Because we’re thinking of them during these challenging times – and because it’s always smart to conserve water whenever you can – we present 11 ways you can conserve water in the garden.

1. Water the “root zone”

Instead of soaking the entire yard when you’re watering your plants, direct the water to the “root zone”.

The “root zone” is the soil surrounding the plant’s roots, and it serves as a sort of storage tank for the plant to access moisture and nutrients.

2. Choose native plants

When you’re landscaping – and deciding on which plants to use in the garden – choose native plants (those which are used to growing in the Waterloo region).

Native plants usually need little (or no) extra water, after they are established, beyond what Mother Nature delivers through rainfall.

3. Plant groundcover

Apply groundcover (and shady trees too) to help keep your residential property nice and cool.

mulch4. Add mulch

As soon as you water your garden, it starts to evaporate due to the heat from the sun.

Adding mulch to your garden can help lock in soil moisture – ensuring that your plants don’t lose out on vital water resources.

5. Drip irrigation

A relatively new landscaping trend, drip irrigation saves water (and fertilizer) by enabling water to drip slowly directly to the roots of plants (or directly into the root zone).

Now, in order to implement drip irrigation, you will need to install the following into your garden:

  • Valves
  • Pipes
  • Tubing
  • Emitters

However, it will give you more control over how much water you use – and where you actually direct it.

6. Plant in bunches

By keeping plants close together, you lessen the area to be watered. This, in turn, lessens the amount of water you use.

Just make sure you create enough room for adequate root growth and development.

patio7. Build a patio

Building an interlocking or natural stone patio in your backyard actually achieves two goals:

  • It limits the size of your lawn (after all, who wants to waste water on a stone deck or patio?)
  • It creates additional backyard enjoyment

rain barrel8. Get a rain barrel

This is incredibly easy to do.

Once you purchase a rain barrel, place it underneath a gutter or downspout.

After a significant rainfall, you’ll have a ready-made source of water for your plants at no additional cost to you.

9. Recycle leftover water

Old household water from drinking glasses, cooking vegetables or pasta can be used to water your plants.

10. Follow the local watering guide


The city of Waterloo offers an outdoor watering schedule which can help you determine when it’s okay to water your property.

Here’s how you can find your lawn watering days.

Something that you need to keep in mind is that watering must take place between 5:30am-10am and 7pm-11pm.


  • If your address ends in: 0 or 1
  • Your can water your lawn on: Monday
  • If your address ends in: 2 or 3
  • Your can water your lawn on: Tuesday
  • If your address ends in: 4 or 5
  • Your can water your lawn on: Wednesday
  • If your address ends in: 6 or 7
  • Your can water your lawn on: Thursday
  • If your address ends in: 8 or 9
  • Your can water your lawn on: Friday

11. Contact Wright Landscape Services

If you’re looking to make your garden into a more water-efficient space, we can help with professional landscape design services.

As well, we can also provide grass cutting and lawn care services to make sure your property looks good with maximum eco-efficiency.

All it takes is for you to tell us how you’d like to transform your garden.


Need inspiration?

When you start to think about designing the perfect yard, deck, patio or backyard oasis, it can be helpful to have some solid ideas of what you want to achieve. We can help with that.

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